Monday, April 8, 2013

Fisheye Wine Country

So lovely to have a friend let me play with her fisheye lens (Thanks, Jess! You're the greatest). The fisheye filter on Camera Bag (iPhone app) just isn't the same as playing with the real thing. And now that I've taken a gander, there's so much more I want to experiment with. Oh, the possibilities! But fun things I've learned from playing with the fisheye lens today:

1. Not only is there an extended view of left and right but also up and down! A lot of my shots had my hands holding my phone at the bottom. 

2. I like how straight lines go bendy.

3. Upclose is one of my faves.

4. The non round objects look far more interesting.

5. Taking in the scenery in a different way. At first, I was really into up close and personal portraits but when I decided to take the scenery in, I was really excited by the results.

6. Fisheye is just straight up badass. Or can make buying a case of wine even more badass than it already is.

 7. I wish I did more horizontal shots.

8. New way to do group pictures!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Diva Wall

So I saw a diva wall at a workplace yesterday with gorgeous pictures of everyone's favorite divas. This inspired me to think of the divas I would put on my wall if I had a diva wall. Here's some of the many women I look up to and admire in no particular order

Frida Kahlo

  Tina Turner

 Hillary Clinton

 Twyla Tharp

  Erykah Badu

 Carole King

  Michelle Obama

  Isadora Duncan

 Amy Poehler

  Meryl Streep

 Coco Chanel


 Ellen Degeneres

Janet Jackson

  Diane Von Furstenburg

  Martha Graham

  Lea Salonga

  Julia Child

  Queen Latifah

Just to name a few. ;)