Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coming down from a post-trip high

So needless to say I got to work on blogging regularly. But I do admit that the majority of my inspiration recently has not been found online, but in the people around me. One of the biggest lessons I've learned since being an Adult with a capital A is that who I work with is one of the most crucial factors in loving my job(s).

I've been on a few projects recently that include some of the most talented, inspiring, and hard working people. People who are doing it big while doing it right. Fearless people who are brave for tackling really controversial topics. Their examples make me want to work harder, take better photos and push for the social change I want to see in the world. I'm JUICED!

This, by the way, is amazing. My bad for being late to the party.

This makes me miss the people I've bonded with on the trip of a lifetime I recently returned from. Just hearing this fills me with the bittersweet longing of a 1967 Revcon and the endless desert road.

Other recent accomplishments include:

1. Acquiring the red boots I've longed for since 2005
2. Trying beignets for the first time. Pastries so light that they're barely even there (in a delicious way). Hard Knox on Clement keeps on killing it with deliciousness!